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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September Love

How time flys when you are having fun! I seriously cannot believe my little boy is just days away from 4 months! goodness!!
The other day I decided to let Owen try some rice cereal... Yeah that nasty, instant mashed potato looking stuff... Well I mixed a little up with some momma milk, and he LOVED it!!
He flapped his little arms and squealed with glee!
So, I give him a little in the morning and a little at night. I love seeing him all messy it is WAAAAY too cute!

He is growing in leaps and bounds and is the smartest baby I have ever known! He has mastered rolling from tummy to back and back to tummy. I think part of this is because he has been a tummy sleeper. I finally gave in around 2 months and just let him sleep like that, it was the only way he would stay asleep and low and behold, he starting sleeping through the night shortly after. Because of the tummy sleeping he mastered rolling.  I will put him down on his tummy, check on him and he is on his back, and go in when he is awake to find him on his tummy in a mini push up looking around for me! a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e

He loves morning play time at his gym! I turn music on and he will lay there and just play and chew on his guitars :)We have been cloth diapering here and there. when I am home I do it. I need more diapers and more things to actually dive right on in. I want to, just waiting until we can get more stuff. I love the squishy butt look! Jeff thinks it's hilarious looking.

I think he will be a big eater! He loves food. well he loves milk and this cereal.

I am also signing with him. I think it is wonderful to be able to teach your children to communicate with their hands. It gets rid of some stress and frustration for them when they can communicate to you what they want or need. Just the basics now. "milk", "more", "play", "diaper"... of course I show him please and thank you... I want to raise a gentlemen :)

I let him have at the spoon and he loved it! It has only been day 2 of cereal so he is still learning how to swallow it properly. 50% in the belly 50% everywhere else!

ANNNNDDD... feast your eyes on these! My friend Meghan Jansen is just way to talented! He work is seriously awesome! If you ever need pictures of your sweet babies, she is definitely the one to do the job :)

We get to love this little guy every day.
thank. you. God.

My sister and brother treated us the other night by coming over to watch O while we went out on a date! I even got to wear my new dress! We had so much fun and realized we definitely need more date nights in our life! I love my husband, I love laughing with him, talking about our future and our dreams, and spending life with him. He is truly wonderful and I am totally blessed!

ANNND Lex turned 21... eeekkk!
We celebrated with her at BJ'S. It was a fun night.
I love my sister, she is wonderful.

Brother and sister LOVE! I love that Jeff always gives lex a lil love punch on the top of her head when he sees her! I really love that Jeff is close to my siblings, it doesn't even feel like "In-Laws" it feels like one big ol' happy family! I love that! He is an awesome big brother! :)

1 comment:

  1. you are so pretty!!! love you and miss you! Owen is such a cutie and so big now!! You are an amazing mom!!
